Pegase van ‘t Ruytershof supplies two champions from the first crop

At the BWP Elite Foal Championship Pegase van 't Ruytershof (Comme il faut x Cartani) produced the champion of both the stallion and mare foals. The only four year old stallion, who himself was champion stallion of the BWP Stallion Selection and this year won the Pavo Stallion Competition, delivers an impressive first offspring.
For Pegase van 't Ruytershof, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Granddam Diamanthina van 't Ruytershof is a full sister of Harrie Smolders' Emerald and is herself dam of six international show jumpers, of which four are approved for service.
Gold for Trappist van 't Gelutt
Pegase showed a strong collection of foals at the championship. Trappist van 't Gelutt (mv. Okidoki van 't Gelutt), who already won at the BWP Limburg competition earlier this year, was victorious with the colts. The silver with the colts went to Tuntutuliak van de Meerhoeve (Opium JW van de Meerhoeve x Deauville de la Vie) and the bronze was for Titus KN ter Beuken (Numero Uno x Berlin).
Thiam van den Bosdam best filly
She was already the best at the exterior testing in Moerbeke and in Ternat the champion ribbon was again for Thiam van den Bosdam (mrs. Darco). The reserve championship went to Tchacco Tequila (Chacco Blue x Cardento) and Tismeralda L-H-E (Emerald x Cornet Obolensky) got rid of the bronze.