Tiji stands for the breeding of Tim van Tricht and Jill Smits, a breeding duo that has already won many prizes. Our breeding product Garfield de Tiji was already chosen as horse of the year, while in the same year we also received the 'Young Breeder Award'. But it does not stop there ... Also Bull Run's Faustino and Flinstone de Tiji (now Hello Guv'nor) are bred by us.
On average, we have about 40 horses. We have high quality international jumping horses from lower level show jumping up to Grand Prix. We don’t have to tell you that every single horse has its own personality and character.
Let us introduce you to some members of our family.

Stalllion, 2021
Father: Dr Touch de Tiji
Mother: Scarlina de Tiji (7th on Youngster Tour Finale Zangersheide)

Stallion, 2021
Father: Lector van den Bisschop (1.50, Koen Verreecke)
Mother: Palina de Tiji

Mare, 2021
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabuci (1.60, Zoé Conter and Lorenzo di Luca)

Stallion, 2021
Father: El Barrone 111 (1.55, Malin Bayard)
Mother: Karlina de Tiji

Stallion, 2021
Father: Tornedo FCS (1.60, Michael Whitaker)
Mother: Scarlina de Tiji (7th on Youngster Tour Finale Zangersheide)

Stalllion, 2021
Father: Dr Touch de Tiji
Mother: Scarlina de Tiji (7th on Youngster Tour Finale Zangersheide)

Stallion, 2021
Father: Lector van den Bisschop (1.50, Koen Verreecke)
Mother: Palina de Tiji

Mare, 2021
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabuci (1.60, Zoé Conter and Lorenzo di Luca)

Stallion, 2021
Father: El Barrone 111 (1.55, Malin Bayard)
Mother: Karlina de Tiji

Stallion, 2021
Father: Tornedo FCS (1.60, Michael Whitaker)
Mother: Scarlina de Tiji (7th on Youngster Tour Finale Zangersheide)

What a Lina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Levis de Muze (160, Loli Mytilineou)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Walibi de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Cumano (160, Jos Lansink)
Mother: Anita Du Parc (150, Max Sebrechts)

Watch Me de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Pegase van ‘t Ruytershof
Mother: Nell D’ Hoogpoort (150, Jill Smits)

Wallstreet de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Emerald (160, Harry Smolders)
Mother: Cento (same mother as Cristel: 160, Max Sebrechts)

Wellington de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Nic Nac (150)

Gentlemen de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Grandorado TN (160, Willem Greve)
Mother: Take a Chance de Tiji

Bellini 2000 Z
Mare, 2022
Father: Baloubet du Rouet (160, Rodrigo Pessoa)
Mother: China Touch Hero (mother of Don’t Touch Tiji Hero)

Selina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Scendro
Mother: Superlina de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Deja Vu de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter Karlina de Tiji: 145, Jill Smits)

Walina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Allstar (160, Dennis Lynch)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Mare, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Oklahoma vd Withoeve Z (Grand daughter Panama du Seigneur)

Diferro de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Ferra vd Bischop (Nations Cup Children Estelle Van Tricht)

Dijoux de Tili Z
Mare, 2022
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Honey de Tili (same mother as Faustino de Tili: 160, Kristen Van der Veen)

What a Lina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Levis de Muze (160, Loli Mytilineou)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Watch Me de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Pegase van ‘t Ruytershof
Mother: Nell D’ Hoogpoort (150, Jill Smits)

Wallstreet de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Emerald (160, Harry Smolders)
Mother: Cento (same mother as Cristel: 160, Max Sebrechts)

Wellington de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Nic Nac (150)

Gentlemen de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Grandorado TN (160, Willem Greve)
Mother: Take a Chance de Tiji

Selina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Scendro
Mother: Superlina de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Deja Vu de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter Karlina de Tiji: 145, Jill Smits)

Walina de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Allstar (160, Dennis Lynch)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (grand daughter: Carlina IV 162 Pius Schwizer)

Ohara de Tiji
Mare, 2022
Father: Orson des Hayettes (150, Tim Prouvé)
Mother: Oklahoma vd Withoeve Z (Grand daughter Panama du Seigneur)

Diferro de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Ferra vd Bischop (Nations Cup Children Estelle Van Tricht)

Dijoux de Tili Z
Mare, 2022
Father: Don’t Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Honey de Tili (same mother as Faustino de Tili: 160, Kristen Van der Veen)

Walibi de Tiji
Stallion, 2022
Father: Cumano (160, Jos Lansink)
Mother: Anita Du Parc (150, Max Sebrechts)

Bellini 2000 Z
Mare, 2022
Father: Baloubet du Rouet (160, Rodrigo Pessoa)
Mother: China Touch Hero (mother of Don’t Touch Tiji Hero)

Catilla de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: All Star (160, Dennis lynch)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter: Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Chac Touch de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca Touch I de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca touch II de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca touch III de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Montana de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Montano I de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Montano II de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Doolittle de tijix z
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabucci (160, Zoë Conter)

devil’s touch de tijix z
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabucci (160, Zoë Conter)

gentleman de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Ermitage (150, Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Palina de Tiji (Grand daughter: Carlina IV Pius Schwizer)

Argentina de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Ermitage (150, Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Scaramouche de Tiji (daughter Madame de Tiji)

Yolo de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Extreme 111
Mother: Urona de Tiji (daughter of Nell D’Hoogpoort, 150, Jill Smits)

Arrouba de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Fantomas de muze
Mother: Dorien Mariënshof (daughter of Marien, 160, Luciana Diniz)

Calimero de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Karan van de Heffinck
Mother: Une Dame de Tiji (stam Carlina IV)

Amazing grace de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Kassanova de la Pomme (160, Koen Vereecke)
Mother: That's Life de Tiji (4j, stam Carlina IV, recently bought as GP prospect by Björn Nagel)

Father: Kassanova de la Pomme (160, Koen Vereecke)
Mother: Mysterious girl (grand daughter Butterfly Flip, 160, Malin Bayard)

Arlina de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Leandro (150, Jeroen Dewinter)
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter of Karlina de Tiji, 145, Jill Smits)

Christmass de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Mumbai vd Moerhoeve (160, Christian Kukuk)
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Adora de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Pegase van 't Ruytershof
Mother: Querly Pronto van 't Netehof (grand daughter Heroïne de Muze, winner Asian Games Taizo Sugitano)

Adios de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Rex van 't Roth
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter of Karlina de Tiji, 145, Jill Smits)

fifty-fifty de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Riesling van 't Roosakker
Mother: Ustica de Tiji (stam Carlina IV)

Scarlino de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Scendro
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Giotto de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Zirocco Blue (160, Jur Vrieling)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Uline Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Utamaro d'Ecaussines (160, Joe Clee)
Mother: Cybele Z (140, Angelique Rüsen) x Cherry Z (160 Stefan Corten)

En vogue Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Epleasur van 't Heike (160, Christian Ahlmann)
Mother: Lirrya Z x Cherry Z (160, Stefan Corten)

Crescendo Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Chacco Blue (160, Andreas Kreuzer)
Mother: Funky Music (160, Ann Carton)

....... de Tiji (name still unknown)
Mare, 2022
Father: Epleasur van 't Heike (160, Christian Ahlmann)
Mother: Carry Z (160, Judy Ann Melchior)

Amalfie Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Aganix du Seigneur (160, Jos Lansink)
Mother: Cocaïne beta Z (cloon Cocaïne z )

Catilla de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: All Star (160, Dennis lynch)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter: Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Chacca Touch de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca Touch I de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca touch II de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Chacca touch III de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Montana de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Montano I de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Montano II de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Une île d' houtveld (full sister Radco d'houtveld, 160 Peter Wylde and full sister of Oriflamme d'houtveld, 160, Jeffery Welles)

Doolittle de tijix z
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabucci (160, Zoë Conter)

devil’s touch de tijix z
Stallion, 2023
Father: Don't Touch Tiji Hero
Mother: Zeta di Sabucci (160, Zoë Conter)

gentleman de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Ermitage (150, Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Palina de Tiji (Grand daughter: Carlina IV Pius Schwizer)

Argentina de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Ermitage (150, Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Scaramouche de Tiji (daughter Madame de Tiji)

Yolo de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Extreme 111
Mother: Urona de Tiji (daughter of Nell D’Hoogpoort, 150, Jill Smits)

Arrouba de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Fantomas de muze
Mother: Dorien Mariënshof (daughter of Marien, 160, Luciana Diniz)

Calimero de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Karan van de Heffinck
Mother: Une Dame de Tiji (stam Carlina IV)

Amazing grace de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Kassanova de la Pomme (160, Koen Vereecke)
Mother: That's Life de Tiji (4j, stam Carlina IV, recently bought as GP prospect by Björn Nagel)

Father: Kassanova de la Pomme (160, Koen Vereecke)
Mother: Mysterious girl (grand daughter Butterfly Flip, 160, Malin Bayard)

Arlina de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Leandro (150, Jeroen Dewinter)
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter of Karlina de Tiji, 145, Jill Smits)

Christmass de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Mumbai vd Moerhoeve (160, Christian Kukuk)
Mother: Chaqueline ps x Celine (Conthargos, 160, Karen Polle)

Adora de tiji
Mare, 2023
Father: Pegase van 't Ruytershof
Mother: Querly Pronto van 't Netehof (grand daughter Heroïne de Muze, winner Asian Games Taizo Sugitano)

Adios de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Rex van 't Roth
Mother: Tapdance de Tiji (daughter of Karlina de Tiji, 145, Jill Smits)

fifty-fifty de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Riesling van 't Roosakker
Mother: Ustica de Tiji (stam Carlina IV)

Scarlino de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Scendro
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Giotto de tiji
Stallion, 2023
Father: Zirocco Blue (160, Jur Vrieling)
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (granddaughter Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)

Uline Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Utamaro d'Ecaussines (160, Joe Clee)
Mother: Cybele Z (140, Angelique Rüsen) x Cherry Z (160 Stefan Corten)

En vogue Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Epleasur van 't Heike (160, Christian Ahlmann)
Mother: Lirrya Z x Cherry Z (160, Stefan Corten)

Crescendo Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Chacco Blue (160, Andreas Kreuzer)
Mother: Funky Music (160, Ann Carton)

....... de Tiji (name still unknown)
Mare, 2022
Father: Epleasur van 't Heike (160, Christian Ahlmann)
Mother: Carry Z (160, Judy Ann Melchior)

Amalfie Z
Mare, 2023
Father: Aganix du Seigneur (160, Jos Lansink)
Mother: Cocaïne beta Z (cloon Cocaïne z )

Father: Ermitage Kalone (160, Olympic Games Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Roberlina van ‘t Netehof (Daughter of l’ innocence van ‘t Meulenhof and sister of Emmerald van ‘t Ruytershof, 160, Harrie Smolders)
Father: Ermitage Kalone ((160, Olympic Games Gilles Thomas)
Mother: Oklahoma vd Withoeve (Grand daughter Panama du Seigneur)
Father: El Torreo de Muze
Mother: Dallonia de Tiji (Grand daughter Carlina IV 160 Pius Schwizer)
Father: Kasanova de la Pomme (160, Koen Vereecke)
Mother: Chaceline PS x Celine (Conthargos, 160 Karen Polle)