Many hundreds of thanks
Around this time, people receive many wishes. Among breeders, wishes are driven by wish lists. And on those, many hundreds of times in recent years, Don't Touch Tiji Hero was on them. A logical choice when you look at his offspring, who have made a clear mark in breeding. If you want to be sure of what you are getting and choose for certainty, your stallion choice is quickly made.
These are the words of numerous breeders who chose Don't Touch. There are few top sport stables where they do not expect or have an offspring by Don't Touch.
Jan Tops chose Don't Touch, as did Enda Carroll of Ashford Farm. They followed the example of their colleagues who already have foals and young horses in their stables to their great satisfaction. In Belgium, these include Jérôme Guery, Stephex Stables, Euro Horse and Krismar. In Ireland, Olympic rider Marion Hughes and Greg Broderick used our stallion.
In the Netherlands, Willem Greve, Marc Houtzager and Johan Heins, among others, chose Don't Touch Tiji Hero. These are just a few examples of riders, traders and owners who firmly believe in the added value of Don't Touch Tiji Hero. Understandable when you see his young sons and daughters under the saddle of Christian Ahlmann, Gilles Thomas, Jérôme Guery or Abdel Saïd. They too believe in the future of his promising offspring.
As a stallion, Don't Touch Tiji Hero is a once in a lifetime horse because everything is right about the stallion: his genetics, inheritance and character. A son of Diamant de Semilly out of China Touch Hero (Chin Chin x Caretino), he is genetically one of the most valuable studs of his generation. He puts that stamp on his offspring, making Don't Touch an obvious sire. The horses from his first crop stood out one by one, which made him sought after by breeders.
What you see of his offspring in the ring is further confirmed by objective data from Hippomundo. From the ranking of stallions with the highest percentage of “black type” offspring, Don't Touch Tiji Hero is at the top. The statistics show that Don't Touch achieves a score of 43.5%, which concretely means that with Don't Touch you have a one in two chance of breeding a black type. Exceptional genetics and proven inheritance combine Don't Touch with a gentle and willing character. In the sport, he effortlessly guides our fledgling teenage daughter Estelle through her course. By the sea, he is Tim's walking horse. It is rare to find so many characteristics united in one horse. And on top of that, pass that on to his children.
What do people want? If you ask breeders, they rightly choose Don't Touch.